I just love this photo of the three of us taken a couple weeks ago at a Bar Mitzvah...me and my guys!
Of course the day started with us all dressed up and using our manners, but as the celebration continued and we let our hair down, the jackets came off, the ties loosened up, and pretty soon we were eating out of the centerpieces:
And that's what fond family memories are made of!
It's been a crazy week since my first shipment of books arrived! We blew through about 200 books, and another 200 are being ordered. I have a few events scheduled in April: a book sale at Global Fitness Center in Stow on April 23 from 9-12, and I'm speaking about the book on 4/26 at 7:30 pm at the JCC in Acton (details to follow). I am very impressed with the great job Jason's been doing signing every book--he is very proud to put his autograph inside the cover! We gave a book to his classroom as a gift, and he was so excited for his teacher to read it to the class. When he got off the bus after school, I asked him how the class enjoyed the book. He said, "The girls were all over me!"
As weird as it sounds, all the crappy years of being sick really came in handy tonight. Jason's throat culture came back positive for strep, so not only can he not go to school tomorrow, but tomorrow the school is having Pajama Day, which he was so excited for. Plus, we had to reschedule a playdate with a friend he was so looking forward to. Jason was so sad (and overtired) to be missing such a fun day, that he was just sobbing, "I'm having a terrible day! I hate being sick!" I felt so bad for the little guy. I commiserated with him that I knew exactly how he felt, explaining how when I was sick I couldn't go to the gym, or eat at my favorite restaurants, or take summer vacation. Fortunately, I assured him that he would be feeling better in no time and would most likely be able to go to school on Friday as well as his playdate that day. He gradually stopped crying, and sniffled, "You're right Mommy, it's only 1 day." We can still have our own pajama day tomorrow, and make our favorite "sick day" lunch of pastina and egg (my Italian grandmother's version of penicillin). At least I was able to talk him off the ledge and he drifted right off to sleep. I may have had my own plans tomorrow, but I'm always grateful to be around to play Dr. Mommy.